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i love it

i wanted to play it ever since the trailer came out
the trailer didnt have a link to the

i only found out its public after my friend sent a link of it to me

Sorry about that, I must’ve forgotten to link it after the release.


Amazing game but it need to add
pause menu and
(and name to the super soldier)

I completely agree with you. We unfortunately didn’t have time to add a pause menu or a tutorial, but I will make sure to add both of those things to the next update. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

edit: i beat s rank Yay 2x


What is your discord? (if you have one)

(1 edit)

My Discord name is ’dennis_xm’.

i sended you an friend request


very nice game,thank you

Thanks for playing!


Bro this is amazing! sadly its only 1 level but its enough for a demo! thought it looks more like AntonBlast inspired.

Thank you for playing! I hope to add more levels in the future, along with adding more stuff to do in them. AntonBlast was another game we took inspiration from, so I’m glad you noticed the similarities!


no way bro this is amazing dude




Thank you so much for recording a video of your playthrough; it helps a lot with balancing and development.